When I was 19 years old I somehow managed to date an 18 year old girl that was so way out of my league it wasn’t even funny. She was actually the Ms. Teen pageant winner of the city I lived in, to put that in perspective and while i won’t dis myself as far as to say that I’m an ugly fucker but I am certainly not a heartthrob either.
I guess it just goes to show what self confidence can do as I was quite full of myself at that time. Cocky teens right.
Anyways, after a couple of months of dating and no luck getting past 3rd base she finally conceded that she was a virgin and that she was scared. I didn’t put any pressure on her, told her that I understood and that it was fine and the next weekend she said she wanted me to take her virginity.
I could lie and tell you it was great… from the 3rd time onward it was though and she could not get enough.
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